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Semi-Lagrangian Library
Modular library for kinetic and gyrokinetic simulations of plasmas in fusion energy devices.
Hermite interpolation.
Long description of hermite_interpolation, you can add some references or math equations. sll_hermite_interpolation_1d.F90 -> new suggested name: sll_m_hermite_interpolation_1d.F90 -> Hermite interpolation in 1d (as indicated!) sll_hermite_interpolation_2d.F90 -> new suggested name: sll_m_hermite_interpolation_2d.F90 -> Hermite interpolation in 2d (as indicated!) -> reference: A. Hamiaz, M. Mehrenberger, Sellama H., and E. Sonnendrucker. The semi-lagrangian method on curvilinear grids, -> 2015,submitted. -> C. Steiner -> Thesis 2014, Chapter 7
sll_hermite_aligned_interpolation_2d.F90 not finished, Michel sll_hex_interpolation_hermite.F90 interpolation on hexagonal mesh in progress stuff developed in simulations redundandly should be added here (Charles, Michel, Laura) sll_hex_interpolation_hermite_with_hole.F90 interpolation on hexagonal mesh with a hole (Charles) not sure that it will remain other files programs that test the method for rotation and guiding center reference: M. Mehrenberger, L. Mendoza, C. Prouveur, E. Sonnendrücker, Solving the guiding-center model on a regular hexagonal mesh, ESAIM Proceedings, CEMRACS 2014, submitted