subroutine | add_charge_single_2d (self, position, marker_charge) |
| Add charge from one particle. More...
subroutine | evaluate_rho_single_2d (self, position, func_value) |
| Evaluate charge density rho at one position. More...
subroutine | evaluate_phi_single_2d (self, position, func_value) |
| Evaluate potential phi at one position. More...
subroutine | evaluate_field_single_2d (self, position, components, func_value) |
| Evaluate components components of the electric field as one position. More...
subroutine | solve_2d (self) |
| Solve for phi and fields. More...
subroutine | solve_phi_2d (self) |
| Solve for potential. More...
subroutine | solve_fields_2d (self) |
| Solve efields from rho. More...
subroutine | reset_2d (self) |
| Reset charge to zero. More...
subroutine | add_analytic_charge_2d (self, factor_present, factor_analytic) |
| Add analytic charge (set by set_analytic_charge ) to the accumulated charge. More...
subroutine | set_analytic_charge_2d (self, func) |
| Set analytic charge defined by a function func obeying the interface sll_i_function_of_position. More...
real(kind=f64) function | compute_field_energy_2d (self, component) |
| Compute the squared l2 norm of component component of the field. More...
subroutine | init_pic_poisson_2d (self, no_gridpts, poisson, kernel) |
subroutine | free_pic_poisson_2d (self) |
| Destructor. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_new_pic_poisson_2d (pic_poisson, no_gridpts, poisson, kernel) |
| Constructor for abstract type. More...