#include "sll_memory.h"
#include "sll_working_precision.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
subroutine | new_poisson_2d_sparse_grid_fft (this, interpolator) |
| Create Poisson solver object with Fourier spectral method on 2d sparse grid. More...
subroutine | solve_potential (this, interpolator, rho, phi) |
| Solve for potential. More...
subroutine | solve_for_electric_field (this, interpolator, rho, ex, ey) |
| Compute the electric fields from rho. More...
subroutine | derivative_coeffs_1d (interpolator, dim, max_level, index, size_factor, data1d, data) |
| Helper function to compute the Fourier coefficients for the derivative operation. More...
subroutine | insert_fourier_real (sparsegrid, dim, max_level, index, data_in, data_out) |
| Helper function to insert the real Fourier coefficient into the sparse grid data structure. More...
recursive subroutine | insert_recursive_fourier_real (sparsegrid, index_sg, ind, level, max_level, dim, data_in, data_out) |
| Helper function to insert the real Fourier coefficients into the sparse grid data structure (recursive part) More...