subroutine | advect_x_pic_vm_3d3v (self, dt) |
| Finalization. More...
subroutine | compute_particle_boundary (self, xold, xnew, vi) |
| Helper function for advect_x. More...
subroutine | advect_vb_pic_vm_3d3v (self, dt) |
| advect_vb: Equations to be solved $(\mathbb{I}-\Delta \frac{\Delta t q}{2 m} \mathbb{B}(X^n,b^n) V^{n+1}=(\mathbb{I}+ \frac{\Delta t q}{2 m} \mathbb{B}(X^n,b^n) V^n$ More...
subroutine | advect_eb_schur_pic_vm_3d3v (self, dt) |
| advect_eb: Equations to be solved Solution with Schur complement: $ S=M_1+\frac{\Delta t^2}{4} C^\top M_2 C $ $ e^{n+1}=S^{-1}( (M_1-\frac{\Delta t^2}{4} C^\top M_2 C)e^n+\Delta t C^\top M_2 b^n) $ $ b^{n+1}=b^n-\frac{\Delta t}{2} C(e^n+e^{n+1}) $ More...
subroutine | advect_e_pic_vm_3d3v (self, dt) |
| advect_e: Equations to be solved Solution with Schur complement: $ S_{+}=M_1+\frac{\Delta t^2 q^2}{4 m} (\mathbb{\Lambda}^1)^T \mathbb{\Lambda}^1 $ $e^{n+1}=S_{+}^{-1}\left(S_{-}e^n-\Delta t (\mathbb{\Lambda}^1)^\top \mathbb{W}_q V^n \right)$ $V^{n+1}=V^n+\frac{\Delta t}{2} \mathbb{W}_{\frac{q}{m}} \mathbb{\Lambda}^1(e^{n+1}+e^n)$ More...
subroutine | advect_ex_pic_vm_3d3v (self, dt) |
| advect_ex: Equations to be solved $\frac{X^{n+1}-X^n}{\Delta t}=\frac{V^{n+1}+V^n}{2}$ $\frac{V^{n+1}-V^n}{\Delta t}=\mathbb{W}_{\frac{q}{m}} \frac{1}{\Delta t}\int_{t^n}^{t^{n+1}} \mathbb{\Lambda}^1(X(\tau)) d\tau \frac{e^{n+1}+e^n}{2}$ $\frac{M_1 e^{n+1}-M_1 e^n}{\Delta t} = - \frac{1}{\Delta t} \int_{t^n}^{t^{n+1}} \mathbb{\Lambda}^1(X(\tau))^\top d\tau \mathbb{W}_q\frac{V^{n+1}+V^n}{2}$ More...
subroutine | compute_particle_boundary_current_evaluate (self, xi, xnew, vi, wi, sign) |
| Helper function for advect_ex. More...
subroutine | advect_e_pic_vm_3d3v_trunc (self, dt) |
| advect_e_trunc: This is a version of advect_e where the Particle Mass is approximated by the mass matrix More...
subroutine | initialize_pic_vm_3d3v (self, maxwell_solver, particle_mesh_coupling, particle_group, phi_dofs, efield_dofs, bfield_dofs, x_min, Lx, filter, boundary_particles, solver_tolerance, iter_tolerance, max_iter, betar, force_sign, rhob, control_variate, jmean) |
| Constructor. More...
subroutine | initialize_file_pic_vm_3d3v (self, maxwell_solver, particle_mesh_coupling, particle_group, phi_dofs, efield_dofs, bfield_dofs, x_min, Lx, filename, filter, boundary_particles, betar, force_sign, rhob, control_variate, jmean) |
| Constructor. More...
subroutine | delete_pic_vm_3d3v (self) |
| Destructor. More...