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Semi-Lagrangian Library
Modular library for kinetic and gyrokinetic simulations of plasmas in fusion energy devices.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 !**************************************************************
2 ! Copyright INRIA
3 !
4 ! This code SeLaLib (for Semi-Lagrangian-Library)
5 ! is a parallel library for simulating the plasma turbulence
6 ! in a tokamak.
7 !
8 ! This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license
9 ! under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution
10 ! of free software. You can use, modify and redistribute
11 ! the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B license as
12 ! circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
13 ! "".
14 !**************************************************************
25 !
29 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
30 #include "sll_assert.h"
31 #include "sll_errors.h"
32 #include "sll_working_precision.h"
34  use sll_m_utilities, only: &
37  implicit none
39  public :: &
44  private
45 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
48  interface sll_o_gnuplot_1d
49  module procedure sll_gnuplot_write_1d
50  module procedure sll_s_gnuplot_write
51  module procedure sll_gnuplot_write_two_arrays_1d
52  end interface
55  interface sll_o_gnuplot_2d
56  module procedure sll_gnuplot_corect_2d
57  module procedure sll_gnuplot_rect_2d
58  module procedure sll_gnuplot_curv_2d
59  module procedure sll_gnuplot_mesh_2d
60  module procedure write_unstructured_field
61  end interface
63 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
64 contains
65 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
68  subroutine sll_s_gnuplot_write(array, array_name, iplot)
70  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
71  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
72  sll_int32, intent(in) :: iplot
74  sll_int32 :: file_id ! file unit number
75  sll_int32 :: error ! error code (not used here..)
76  sll_int32 :: npoints
77  sll_int32 :: ipoints
78  character(len=4) :: cplot
79  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
81  npoints = size(array)
83  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
84  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
86  ! Convert plot index to string
87  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, cplot)
89  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
90  if (iplot == 1) then
91  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
92  gnu_status = 'replace'
93  else
94  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
95  gnu_status = 'old'
96  end if
98  ! Open Gnuplot file
99  open (file=trim(array_name)//'.gnu', &
100  status=gnu_status, &
101  form='formatted', &
102  position='append', &
103  newunit=file_id, &
104  iostat=error)
106  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
107  write (file_id, "(a)") "plot '"//trim(array_name)//cplot//".dat' with linesp"
108  close (file_id)
110  ! Create new data file
111  open (file=trim(array_name)//cplot//'.dat', &
112  status='replace', &
113  form='formatted', &
114  newunit=file_id, &
115  iostat=error)
117  ! Write arrays, then close file
118  do ipoints = 1, npoints
119  write (file_id, *) sngl(array(ipoints))
120  end do
121  close (file_id)
123  end subroutine sll_s_gnuplot_write
126  subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_two_arrays_1d(array_name, array1, array2, iplot)
128  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
129  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array1
130  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array2
131  sll_int32, intent(in) :: iplot
133  sll_int32 :: file_id ! file unit number
134  sll_int32 :: error ! error code (not used here..)
135  sll_int32 :: n
136  sll_int32 :: i
137  character(len=4) :: cplot
138  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
140  n = size(array1)
141  sll_assert_always(size(array2) == n)
143  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
144  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
146  ! Convert plot index to string
147  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, cplot)
149  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
150  if (iplot == 1) then
151  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
152  gnu_status = 'replace'
153  else
154  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
155  gnu_status = 'old'
156  end if
158  ! Open Gnuplot file
159  open (file=trim(array_name)//'.gnu', &
160  status=gnu_status, &
161  form='formatted', &
162  position='append', &
163  newunit=file_id, &
164  iostat=error)
166  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
167  write (file_id, "(a)") "plot '"//trim(array_name)//cplot//".dat' with linesp, &
168  & '"//trim(array_name)//cplot//".dat' u 1:3 w l"
169  close (file_id)
171  ! Create new data file
172  open (file=trim(array_name)//cplot//'.dat', &
173  status='replace', &
174  form='formatted', &
175  newunit=file_id, &
176  iostat=error)
178  ! Write arrays, then close file
179  do i = 1, n
180  write (file_id, *) i, sngl(array1(i)), sngl(array2(i))
181  end do
182  close (file_id)
184  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_two_arrays_1d
191  subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_1d(y_array, x_array, array_name, iplot)
193  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: y_array
194  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: x_array
195  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
196  sll_int32, optional, intent(in) :: iplot
198  sll_int32 :: error ! error code
199  sll_int32 :: file_id ! file unit number
200  sll_int32 :: npoints
201  sll_int32 :: ipoints
202  character(len=4) :: cplot
203  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
204  logical :: l_exist
205  character(len=*), parameter :: sub_name = "sll_o_gnuplot_1d"
206  character(len=200) :: message
208  npoints = size(x_array)
210  if (present(iplot)) then
211  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
212  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
214  ! Convert plot index to string
215  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, cplot)
217  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
218  if (iplot == 1) then
219  gnu_status = 'replace'
220  else
221  inquire (file=trim(array_name)//'.gnu', exist=l_exist)
222  if (l_exist) then
223  gnu_status = 'old'
224  else
225  message = "The file "//trim(array_name)//'.gnu' &
226  & //" does not exist and iplot>1. A first call with iplot=1 is needed"
227  sll_error(sub_name, message)
228  end if
229  end if
231  ! Open Gnuplot file
232  open (file=trim(array_name)//'.gnu', &
233  status=gnu_status, &
234  form='formatted', &
235  position='append', &
236  newunit=file_id, &
237  iostat=error)
239  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
240  write (file_id, "(a)") "plot '"//trim(array_name)//cplot//".dat' with linesp"
241  close (file_id)
243  ! Create new data file, numbered
244  open (file=trim(array_name)//cplot//'.dat', &
245  status='replace', &
246  form='formatted', &
247  newunit=file_id, &
248  iostat=error)
249  else
250  ! Create new data file, not numbered
251  open (file=trim(array_name)//'.dat', &
252  status='replace', &
253  form='formatted', &
254  newunit=file_id, &
255  iostat=error)
256  end if
258  ! Write array, then close file
259  do ipoints = 1, npoints
260  write (file_id, *) sngl(x_array(ipoints)), sngl(y_array(ipoints))
261  end do
262  close (file_id)
264  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_1d
280  subroutine sll_gnuplot_corect_2d(xmin, xmax, nx, &
281  ymin, ymax, ny, &
282  array, array_name, &
283  iplot, error)
284  sll_real64, intent(in) :: xmin
285  sll_real64, intent(in) :: xmax
286  sll_real64, intent(in) :: ymin
287  sll_real64, intent(in) :: ymax
288  sll_int32, intent(in) :: nx
289  sll_int32, intent(in) :: ny
290  sll_real64, intent(in) :: array(:, :)
291  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
292  sll_int32, intent(in) :: iplot
293  sll_int32, intent(out) :: error
295  sll_int32 :: file_id
296  sll_int32 :: i, j
297  sll_real64 :: dx, dy, x, y
298  character(len=4) :: fin
299  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
300  logical :: file_exists
302  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
303  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
305  ! Convert plot index to string
306  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, fin)
308  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
309  if (iplot == 1) then
310  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
311  gnu_status = 'replace'
312  else
313  inquire (file=array_name//'.gnu', exist=file_exists)
314  if (.not. file_exists) then
315  sll_error("sll_gnuplot_corect_2d", "The gnu file does not exist, perharps you did not call this suboutine with iplot=1 for the first plot")
316  end if
317  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
318  gnu_status = 'old'
319  end if
321  ! Open Gnuplot file
322  open (file=array_name//'.gnu', &
323  status=gnu_status, &
324  form='formatted', &
325  position='append', &
326  newunit=file_id, &
327  iostat=error)
329  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
330  write (file_id, *) "splot '"//array_name//"_"//fin//".dat' w l"
331  close (file_id)
333  ! Create new data file
334  open (file=array_name//'_'//fin//'.dat', &
335  status='replace', &
336  form='formatted', &
337  newunit=file_id, &
338  iostat=error)
340  ! Write array, then close file
341  dx = (xmax - xmin)/real(nx - 1, f64)
342  dy = (ymax - ymin)/real(ny - 1, f64)
343  x = xmin
344  do i = 1, nx
345  y = ymin
346  do j = 1, ny
347  write (file_id, *) sngl(x), sngl(y), sngl(array(i, j))
348  y = y + dy
349  end do
350  x = x + dx
351  write (file_id, *)
352  end do
353  close (file_id)
355  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_corect_2d
367  subroutine sll_gnuplot_rect_2d(nx, xvec, ny, yvec, &
368  array, array_name, iplot, error)
370  sll_int32, intent(in) :: nx
371  sll_int32, intent(in) :: ny
372  sll_real64, intent(in) :: xvec(nx)
373  sll_real64, intent(in) :: yvec(ny)
374  sll_real64, intent(in) :: array(nx, ny)
375  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
376  sll_int32, intent(in) :: iplot
377  sll_int32, intent(out) :: error
379  sll_int32 :: file_id
380  sll_int32 :: i, j
381  character(len=4) :: fin
382  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
384  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
385  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
387  ! Convert plot index to string
388  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, fin)
390  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
391  if (iplot == 1) then
392  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
393  gnu_status = 'replace'
394  else
395  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
396  gnu_status = 'old'
397  end if
399  ! Open Gnuplot file
400  open (file=array_name//'.gnu', &
401  status=gnu_status, &
402  form='formatted', &
403  position='append', &
404  newunit=file_id, &
405  iostat=error)
407  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
408  write (file_id, *) "splot '"//array_name//"_"//fin//".dat' w l"
409  close (file_id)
411  ! Create new data file
412  open (file=array_name//'_'//fin//'.dat', &
413  status='replace', &
414  form='formatted', &
415  newunit=file_id, &
416  iostat=error)
418  ! Write array, then close file
419  do i = 1, nx
420  do j = 1, ny
421  write (file_id, *) sngl(xvec(i)), &
422  sngl(yvec(j)), &
423  sngl(array(i, j))
424  end do
425  write (file_id, *)
426  end do
427  close (file_id)
429  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_rect_2d
438  subroutine sll_gnuplot_mesh_2d(nx, ny, xcoord, ycoord, array_name, error)
440  sll_int32, intent(in) :: nx
441  sll_int32, intent(in) :: ny
442  sll_real64, dimension(nx, ny), intent(in) :: xcoord
443  sll_real64, dimension(nx, ny), intent(in) :: ycoord
444  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
445  sll_int32, intent(out) :: error
447  sll_int32 :: file_id
448  sll_int32 :: i, j
450  ! Create new Gnuplot file (replace if existing)
451  open (file=array_name//'.gnu', &
452  status='replace', &
453  form='formatted', &
454  newunit=file_id, &
455  iostat=error)
457  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, than close file
458  write (file_id, *) "set view 0,0"
459  write (file_id, *) "splot '"//array_name//"_mesh.dat' with lines"
460  close (file_id)
462  ! Create new data file (replace if existing)
463  open (file=array_name//'_mesh.dat', &
464  status='replace', &
465  form='formatted', &
466  newunit=file_id, &
467  iostat=error)
469  ! Write array, then close file
470  do i = 1, nx
471  do j = 1, ny
472  write (file_id, *) sngl(xcoord(i, j)), &
473  sngl(ycoord(i, j)), 0.0_f32
474  end do
475  write (file_id, *)
476  end do
477  close (file_id)
479  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_mesh_2d
493  subroutine sll_gnuplot_curv_2d(nx, ny, x, y, array, array_name, iplot, error)
495  sll_int32, intent(in) :: nx
496  sll_int32, intent(in) :: ny
497  sll_real64, intent(in) :: x(nx, ny)
498  sll_real64, intent(in) :: y(nx, ny)
499  sll_real64, intent(in) :: array(nx, ny)
500  character(len=*), intent(in) :: array_name
501  sll_int32, intent(in) :: iplot
502  sll_int32, intent(out) :: error
504  sll_int32 :: file_id
505  sll_int32 :: i, j
506  character(len=4) :: fin
507  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
509  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
510  sll_assert_always(iplot > 0)
512  ! Convert plot index to string
513  call sll_s_int2string(iplot, fin)
515  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
516  if (iplot == 1) then
517  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
518  gnu_status = 'replace'
519  else
520  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
521  gnu_status = 'old'
522  end if
524  ! Open Gnuplot file
525  open (file=array_name//'.gnu', &
526  status=gnu_status, &
527  form='formatted', &
528  position='append', &
529  newunit=file_id, &
530  iostat=error)
532  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, then close file
533  write (file_id, *) "set output '"//array_name//"_"//fin//".png'"
534  write (file_id, *) "splot '"//array_name//"_"//fin//".dat' w l"
535  close (file_id)
537  ! Create new data file
538  open (file=array_name//'_'//fin//'.dat', &
539  status='replace', &
540  form='formatted', &
541  newunit=file_id, &
542  iostat=error)
544  ! Write array, then close file
545  do i = 1, nx
546  do j = 1, ny
547  write (file_id, *) sngl(x(i, j)), &
548  sngl(y(i, j)), &
549  sngl(array(i, j))
550  end do
551  write (file_id, *)
552  end do
553  close (file_id)
555  end subroutine sll_gnuplot_curv_2d
563  subroutine write_unstructured_field(field_at_node, &
564  field_name, &
565  coord, &
566  nodes, &
567  plot_number)
569  sll_real64, dimension(:), intent(in) :: field_at_node
570  character(len=*), intent(in) :: field_name
571  sll_real64, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: coord
572  sll_int32, dimension(:, :), intent(in) :: nodes
573  sll_int32, intent(in) :: plot_number
575  character(len=4) :: cplot
576  character(len=8) :: gnu_status
577  sll_int32 :: file_id
578  sll_int32 :: num_cells
579  sll_int32 :: ierr
580  sll_int32 :: i
581  sll_real32 :: xs1, xs2, xs3
582  sll_real32 :: ys1, ys2, ys3
584  ! Get number of nodes, and verify that three coordinates are given
585  num_cells = size(nodes, 2)
586  sll_assert_always(size(nodes, 1) == 3)
588  ! Check that plot index is strictly positive
589  sll_assert_always(plot_number > 0)
591  ! Convert plot index to string
592  call sll_s_int2string(plot_number, cplot)
594  ! Print message
595  write (*, "(/10x, 'Output file GNUplot ',a/)") field_name//'_'//cplot//'.dat'
597  ! Determine Gnuplot file status
598  if (plot_number == 1) then
599  ! A new ASCII file will be created (replaced if already existing)
600  gnu_status = 'replace'
601  else
602  ! A pre-existing ASCII file will be appended
603  gnu_status = 'old'
604  end if
606  ! Open Gnuplot file
607  open (file=field_name//'.gnu', &
608  status=gnu_status, &
609  form='formatted', &
610  position='append', &
611  newunit=file_id, &
612  iostat=ierr)
614  ! Write Gnuplot instructions, then close file
615  write (file_id, *) "set title 'Field "//field_name//"'"
616  write (file_id, *) "splot '"//field_name//'_'//cplot//".dat' w l"
617  close (file_id)
619  ! Create new data file
620  open (file=field_name//'_'//cplot//'.dat', &
621  status='replace', &
622  form='formatted', &
623  newunit=file_id, &
624  iostat=ierr)
626  ! Write field, then close file
627  do i = 1, num_cells
629  xs1 = sngl(coord(1, nodes(1, i))); ys1 = sngl(coord(2, nodes(1, i)))
630  xs2 = sngl(coord(1, nodes(2, i))); ys2 = sngl(coord(2, nodes(2, i)))
631  xs3 = sngl(coord(1, nodes(3, i))); ys3 = sngl(coord(2, nodes(3, i)))
633  write (file_id, "(3e12.3)") xs1, ys1, field_at_node(nodes(1, i))
634  write (file_id, "(3e12.3)") xs2, ys2, field_at_node(nodes(2, i))
635  write (file_id, "(3e12.3)") xs3, ys3, field_at_node(nodes(3, i))
636  write (file_id, "(3e12.3)") xs1, ys1, field_at_node(nodes(1, i)) !CLOSE THE SQUARE
637  write (file_id, *)
638  write (file_id, *)
640  end do
641  close (file_id)
643  end subroutine write_unstructured_field
645 end module sll_m_gnuplot
write file plotable by gnuplot to visualize 2d field
Write file for gnuplot to display 2d field.
Implements the functions to write data file plotable by GNUplot.
subroutine sll_gnuplot_rect_2d(nx, xvec, ny, yvec, array, array_name, iplot, error)
Write a data file plotable by gnuplot to visualize a 2d field on structured rectangular mesh where sp...
subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_two_arrays_1d(array_name, array1, array2, iplot)
Write two arrays to display with gnuplot.
subroutine sll_gnuplot_curv_2d(nx, ny, x, y, array, array_name, iplot, error)
write a data file plotable by gnuplot.
subroutine sll_gnuplot_corect_2d(xmin, xmax, nx, ymin, ymax, ny, array, array_name, iplot, error)
Write a data file plotable by gnuplot to visualize a 2d field.
subroutine, public sll_s_gnuplot_write(array, array_name, iplot)
Write an array to display with gnuplot.
subroutine sll_gnuplot_write_1d(y_array, x_array, array_name, iplot)
This subroutine write a data file to plot a 1d curve.
subroutine write_unstructured_field(field_at_node, field_name, coord, nodes, plot_number)
Write a field on unstructures mesh of triangles.
subroutine sll_gnuplot_mesh_2d(nx, ny, xcoord, ycoord, array_name, error)
Write a data file plotable by gnuplot to visualize a 2d curvilinear mesh.
Some common numerical utilities.
subroutine, public sll_s_int2string(istep, cstep)
Convert an integer < 9999 to a 4 characters string.
    Report Typos and Errors