#include "sll_memory.h"
#include "sll_working_precision.h"
#include "sll_maxwell_solvers_macros.h"
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type(sll_t_maxwell_2d_periodic_plan_cartesian_par) function, pointer, public | sll_f_new_maxwell_2d_periodic_plan_cartesian_par (layout_x, layout_y, ncx, ncy, Lx, Ly) |
| Presently, this function receives the geometric information as individual arguments. We should consider passing the 'simple geometry' object that we have for the cartesian cases. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_faraday_te (plan, dt, ex, ey) |
| Solve faraday equation (TE mode) More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_ampere_te (plan, dt, ex, ey, jx, jy) |
| Solve Ampere-Maxwell equation (TE mode) More...
subroutine | ampere_tm (plan, dt, bx, by, jz) |
| Solve Ampere-Maxwell equation (TE mode) More...
subroutine | faraday_tm (plan, dt, bx, by) |
| Solve Ampere-Maxwell equation (TE mode) More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_delete_maxwell_2d_periodic_plan_cartesian_par (plan) |
| Delete maxwell solver object. More...
subroutine | verify_argument_sizes_par (layout, array) |
| Check array size. More...
◆ D_DX
2 call sll_s_fft_exec_r2c_1d(plan%fwx, plan%d_dx, plan%fft_x_array); \
3 plan%fft_x_array(2:ncx/2 + 1) = -cmplx(0.0_f64, plan%kx(2:ncx/2 + 1), kind=f64)*plan%fft_x_array(2:ncx/2 + 1); \
4 call sll_s_fft_exec_c2r_1d(plan%bwx, plan%fft_x_array, plan%d_dx); \
5 plan%d_dx = plan%d_dx/plan%ncx
◆ D_DY
2 call sll_s_fft_exec_r2c_1d(plan%fwy, plan%d_dy, plan%fft_y_array); \
3 plan%fft_y_array(2:ncy/2 + 1) = -cmplx(0.0_f64, plan%ky(2:ncy/2 + 1), kind=f64)*plan%fft_y_array(2:ncy/2 + 1); \
4 call sll_s_fft_exec_c2r_1d(plan%bwy, plan%fft_y_array, plan%d_dy); \
5 plan%d_dy = plan%d_dy/plan%ncy