subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_pp_to_b_1d (self, n_cells, pp_coeffs, b_coeffs) |
| Compute b_coeffs from coefficients of the monomials (in pp_coeffs) More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_1d_clamped (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 1d spline in B form to spline in pp form for clamped spline. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_1d_clamped_clampeddiri (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 1d spline in B form to spline in pp form for clamped spline and Dirichlet conditions on the right boundary. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_1d (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 1d spline in B form to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_1d_cell (self, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 1d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_1d_cella (degree, pp_b, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 1d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form for specified pp_coefficients of the b_splines. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_2d_periodic (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 2d spline in B form to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions This is a special case of the procedure sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_2d for the double periodic case to avoid the select case statements. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_2d (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 2d spline in B form to spline in pp form. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_2d_cell (spline1, spline2, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs, i, j) |
| Convert 2d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_cell (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs, i, j, k) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with periodic boundary conditions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_cella (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs, i, j, k) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with clamped boundary in first direction and periodic boundary conditions in the other directions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_cella2f (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs, i, j, k) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with clamped boundary in all three directions. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_cellaf (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs, i, j, k) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form in a cell to spline in pp form with clamped boundary in all three directions. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_clamped (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form to spline in pp form for clamped spline. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_clamped_2full (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form to spline in pp form for clamped spline. More...
subroutine | sll_s_spline_pp_b_to_pp_3d_clamped_full (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, pp_coeffs) |
| Convert 3d spline in B form to spline in pp form for clamped spline. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_b_form_1d_clamped (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, val) |
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_b_form_1d_periodic (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, val) |
subroutine | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_pp_form_1d (self, n_cells, pp_coeffs, val) |
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_b_form_3d_clamped (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, val) |
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_b_form_3d_periodic (self, n_cells, b_coeffs, val) |
subroutine | sll_s_spline_evaluate_basis_pp_form_3d (self, n_cells, pp_coeffs, val) |
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_horner_m_1d (self, val, degree, x) |
| Perform a 1d hornerschema on the poly_coeffs. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_horner_m_2d (self, val, degree, x) |
| Perform two times a 1d hornerschema on the poly_coeffs. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_horner_m_3d (self, val, degree, x) |
| Perform three times a 1d hornerschema on the poly_coeffs. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_horner_primitive_1d (val, degree, pp_coeffs, x) |
| Perform a 1d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs evaluate at x. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_1d (degree, pp_coeffs, x, index) |
| Perform a 1d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at index. More...
real(kind=f64) function | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_derivative_1d (degree, pp_coeffs, x, index) |
| Perform a 1d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at index. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_2d (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells) |
| Perform a 2d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_3d (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells) |
| Perform a 3d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_3d_d1 (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells) |
| Perform a 3d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_3d_d2 (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells) |
| Perform a 3d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_3d_d3 (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells) |
| Perform a 3d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
real(kind=f64) function, public | sll_f_spline_pp_horner_derivative_3d (degree, pp_coeffs, x, indices, n_cells, component) |
| Perform a 3d hornerschema on the pp_coeffs at the indices. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_init_1d (self, degree, n_cells, boundary) |
| Initialize sll_t_spline_pp_1d object (Set poly_coeffs depending on degree) More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_init_2d (self, degree, n_cells, boundary) |
| Initialize sll_t_spline_pp_2d object. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_init_3d (self, degree, n_cells, boundary) |
| Initialize sll_t_spline_pp_3d object. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_free_1d (self) |
| Destructor 1d. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_free_2d (self) |
| Destructor 2d. More...
subroutine, public | sll_s_spline_pp_free_3d (self) |
| Destructor 3d. More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_periodic = 0 |
| Parameter to specify boundary conditions. More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clamped = 1 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions. More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clamped_clampeddiri = 2 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions with the last point left out (for Dirichlet conditions on the right side of the domain) More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clampeddiri = 3 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions with the first and last point left out (for Dirichlet conditions) More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clampeddiri_clamped = 4 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions with the first point left out (for Dirichlet conditions on the left side of the domain) More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clamped_square = 5 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions with square spline for the 0-form, boundary spline of degree 2 is set to zero. More...
integer(kind=i32), parameter, public | sll_p_boundary_clamped_cubic = 6 |
| Parameter specifying clamped boundary conditions with a cubic spline for the 0-form, boundary spline of degree 3 is set to zero. More...
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_2 = 1._f64/2._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_3 = 1._f64/3._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_4 = 1._f64/4._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_6 = 1._f64/6._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_7 = 1._f64/7._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_8 = 1._f64/8._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_12 = 1._f64/12._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_16 = 1._f64/16._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_18 = 1._f64/18._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_20 = 1._f64/20._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_24 = 1._f64/24._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_30 = 1._f64/30._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_36 = 1._f64/36._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_48 = 1._f64/48._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_60 = 1._f64/60._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_72 = 1._f64/72._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_80 = 1._f64/80._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_120 = 1._f64/120._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_240 = 1._f64/240._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_144 = 1._f64/144._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_720 = 1._f64/720._f64 |
real(kind=f64), parameter | inv_5040 = 1._f64/5040._f64 |