Coding guidelines

General Coding style


  • Write brief documentation before implementation.

  • Please share and communicate your developments on the list.

  • If you comment out a piece of code, put a clear comment about the reason to do it. Otherwise is not clear why something is commented.

  • Document your code with doxygen (see Doxygen for detailed instructions).


  • Don’t forget interfaces on top of each modules.

  • Only these interfaces should be public.

  • Type bound functions should only be made public through the type.

  • Future updates will be much easier if we have a good interface.

  • End user do not have to change his code to get upgrade benefits.


  • Indentation: 2 blank spaces (not tabs) for all structures.

  • Maximum line length: 80 characters.


  • Prefer explicit (even if long) names;

  • Do not use the same name for different entities;

  • Lower case: Fortran keywords, variables, procedures, modules, filenames;

  • Upper case: preprocessor macros;

  • Exposed interface must always begin with sll_.


  • All modules must be declared private and implicit none.

  • Always give the explicit name for optional arguments.

  • Variables must be initialized to zero if required.

  • Functions returning arrays should only be used if the array is small.

  • Avoid pointer dummy arguments unless strictly necessary.

Assertions Add sanity checks using SLL_ASSERT. Examples: Check correct size of input/output arguments, check function error codes…

Procedure arguments definition

  • One variable per line.

  • The intent and the :: in the declaration must be aligned.

  • It must follow the same order that in the declaration.

  • The intent must be always declared.

  • A blank line must separate the declaration of local variables.

Naming conventions for exposed Fortran interfaces {#sec:exposed_names}

When any SeLaLib Fortran entity is public and exposed to other modules, its name must be chosen according to this rule:

  • sll_m_[..] for modules;

  • sll_c_[..] for abstract types;

  • sll_t_[..] for non-abstract types;

  • sll_s_[..] for subroutines (not attached to a type);

  • sll_f_[..] for functions (not attached to a type);

  • sll_p_[..] for parameters defining descriptors/flags;

  • sll_v_[..] for module variables;

  • sll_o_[..] for Fortran interfaces (overloading of subroutines/functions);

  • sll_i_[..] for procedure interfaces (defined in an ‘abstract interface’ block).

No strict rule is enforced for private entities in a module. Nevertheless, we recommend using m_[..], c_[..], t_[..], s_[..], f_[..], p_[..], v_[..], o_[..] and i_[..] where appropriate.

Files and directories

SeLaLib is a collection of smaller libraries, each one defined in a separate (sub)directory. Each library may be composed of multiple Fortran modules, and each of these is defined in a separate source file. In order to reflect this logic, we must:

  • Define one module per file and give both the same name: the module name is sll_m_[MODNAME] and the file name is sll_m_[MODNAME].F90;

  • Define one library per (sub)directory and give both the same name: the directory name is LIBNAME and the library name is sll_[LIBNAME];

  • In each (sub)directory define the ‘interface module’ sll_[LIBNAME] (contained in sll_[LIBNAME].F90) that acts as a unique ‘entry point’ to the library: here we declare all public variables in the library by means of multiple use sll_m_[MODNAME], only :: [..] statements, with a very short inline comment about each exposed name (see § 1.5{reference-type=“ref” reference=“sec:library_interfaces”}).

We note that each (sub)directory in SeLaLib should contain exactly one ‘CMakeLists.txt’ file, and that this file should contain exactly one ‘ADD_LIBRARY(\(\dots\))’ instruction. The compiled library will have name libsll_[LIBNAME].a (if static) or libsll_[LIBNAME].so (if shared).

Types and classes

Each type should have

  • a constructor called init (type-bound) or sll_s_<type_name>_init (non type-bound) being a subroutine, and

  • a destructor called free (type-bound) or sll_s_<type_name>_free (non type-bound) being a subroutine with a signature that has no additional arguments, and

  • other procedures that are called <procedure_name> (type-bound) or
    sll_<s/f>_<type_name_<procedure_name> (non type-bound).

When implementing these procedures accompanying the type, the instance of the type should be call self. In case the type is not polymorphic, it is usually better to use the non type-bound option to avoid overhead due to polymorphism introduced by the class keyword. If procedures are defined as type-bound they should only be called type-bound.

Note: The old interfaces sll_o_delete, sll_o_new, etc. should not be used any more. In general, interfaces should only be used with care and only within a single module.

Abstract types should be used whenever we have several specific implementations for the same problem (interpolators, field solvers, etc.). If you want to avoid polymorphism for performance reason, you should still try follow the signature of the abstract type.

In order to initialize an abstract type, two options are exemplified below. In general, allocatables should be preferred over pointers. The sll_f_new_<type_name> functions returning a pointer should be avoided in future.

class(sll_c_example), <allocatable or pointer> :: example

allocate( sll_t_example :: example )
select type ( example )
type is ( sll_t_example )
  call example%init( <special signature> )

call example%solve( <signature> )

call example%free()
deallocate( example )
class(sll_c_example), allocatable, target :: specific
type(sll_t_example), pointer              :: example

allocate( specific )
call specific%init( <special signature> )
example => specific

call example%solve( <signature> )

call example%free()
deallocate( example )

Note: If your program just uses one specific instance of an abstract type, directly declare this specific type as type(sll_t_example) :: example for better performance.

Optional performance improvement: If you have a type that is derived from another type but not extended itself, you can use a select type statement within the declaration of type-bound procedures in order to reduce the overhead due to polymorphism as shown here.

subroutine sll_s_example_solve( self )
  class( sll_t_example ), intent ( in ) :: self
  select type( self )
  type is ( sll_t_example )



SeLaLib library interfaces

SeLaLib contains many libraries (=directories), each of which is comprised of several modules (=files). We propose to expose the public entities in a library through one single ‘interface module’, which will act as a single entry point to the library:

  • The module name is sll_[LIBNAME];

  • The file name is sll_[LIBNAME].F90;

  • The public names from all modules in a library are exposed by means of multiple use sll_m_[MODNAME], only :: [..] statements;

  • Each exposed name is given a short inline comment.

As an example, the interface module should look like

#include "sll_working_precision.h"
#include "sll_assert.h"

use sll_m_[MODNAME_1], only: &
  sll_t_[TYPENAME],  &
  sll_i_[INTRFNAME], &
use sll_m_[MODNAME_2], only: &
  sll_c_[CLASSNAME], &
  sll_s_[SUBNAME],   &
implicit none
public :: &
  sll_t_[MY_TYPENAME], &
  sll_s_[MY_SUBNAME],  &

There are several advantages to this approach:

  • In order to use one of the SeLaLib libraries, a user will find all exposed names in a single file/module;

  • The developer may easily switch between different versions of the same function/subroutine/type/etc. without effecting the user code, by using the ‘renaming syntax’ [local_name] => [use_name];

  • When using SeLaLib libraries, only one ‘.mod’ file per directory is needed at compilation time .

SeLaLib module interfaces

The first part of a module should be seen as an ‘interface’, clearly stating what names are imported from other modules and what names are exposed to the outside. For this purpose, we should:

  • Always use the ‘only’ clause in a ‘use’ statement;

  • Insert an ‘implicit none’ statement before any variable declaration;

  • Specify all public entities in the module in a unique ‘public’ statement;

  • Follow the public statement with a blanket ‘private’ statement.

For example, the first part of a module should look like the code snippet in Figure [fig:module_interface]{reference-type=“ref” reference=“fig:module_interface”}.

SeLaLib header files

If needed, a ‘header file’ sll_[LIBNAME].h may be created inside a [LIBNAME] SeLaLib directory. This file should only contain preprocessor instructions, e.g.

  • User-defined variable types;

  • Preprocessor macro definitions.

A header may also contain some use statements, because the macros may be based on user-defined functions and types from other modules. (Note that in general, unless strictly needed, use statements in a header file should be avoided.)



SeLaLib simulations are independent of each other, but they naturally depend on many SeLaLib libraries. A simulation usually consists of:

  1. A module containing a new simulation type that is derived from an abstract simulation class (methods exist for initializing from file and running the numerical simulation);

  2. One or more programs that instantiate a simulation object of the new type, initialize it, and run the numerical simulation;

  3. One or more input files.

Naming conventions

We define some additional naming conventions that are specific to the simulations:

  • The simulation name must follow the pattern

    • METHOD describes the class of numerical method employed (e.g. pic for particle-in-cell, pif for particle-in-Fourier, bsl for advective (backward) semi-Lagrangian, fsl for forward semi-Lagrangian, csl for conservative backward semi-Lagrangian, eul for Eulerian);

    • EQN is the equation that is solved (e.g. ad for advection with given field, vp for Vlasov-Poisson, vm for Vlasov-Maxwell, va for Vlasov-Ampere, dk for drift kinetic, gk for gyrokinetic and gc for guiding center);

    • DIMC is the number of dimensions in configuration space;

    • DIMV is the number of dimensions in velocity space (if no put 0v);

    • COORDS is the type of coordinates used (e.g. cart for a Cartesian grid, polar for a polar grid, and unstr for an unstructured grid, hex for a hexagonal grid, curv for curvilinear from cartesian, hexcurv for curvilinear from hexagonal);

    • EXTRA is an additional description (short!) that distinguishes this specific simulation from the others; in particular, for Eulerian solvers specify the method (dg for discontinuous Galerkin, fv for finite volume, fe for continuous finite elements, ft for Fourier); add serial to a serial simulation if there is a parallel simulation for the same test case;

  • The simulation module must be named sll_m_sim_[SIMNAME], and the file containing it must be named sll_m_sim_[SIMNAME].F90 as usual;

  • The simulation directory must be named

    • simulations/serial/[SIMNAME]/ for serial simulations;

    • simulations/parallel/[SIMNAME]/ for parallel simulations;

  • Naming conventions for executables:

    • Program file name is sim_[SIMNAME].F90;

    • Program name is sim_[SIMNAME];

    • Executable name is sim_[SIMNAME];

    • CTest name (if any) is sim_[SIMNAME].

Unit tests

General guidelines

  • Always test against some a-priori solution, set a tolerance if needed;

  • Each function in a module should be tested;

  • If possible, a failing test should indicate the function that originated the error;

  • Input parameters should be varied across the widest possible admissible range;

  • Tests execution time should be as short as possible (seconds, not minutes!);

  • Exactly 1 CTest per module, with name [MODNAME], but in addition there can be tests that check the combination of two modules;

  • All files connected to tests should be inside of a library subdirectory called [LIBNAME]/testing. If there are auxiliary files for the tests, they should be within a subdirectory [LIBNAME]/testing/[MODNAME]/.

Naming convention

  • Fortran file name is test_[TESTNAME].F90;

  • Fortran program name is test_[TESTNAME];

  • Executable name is test_[TESTNAME];

  • CTest name is [TESTNAME].

NOTE: In the future, only one CTest should exist for each module, and this CTest may call multiple executables (see guidelines in previous section); in such a situation we should have [TESTNAME]=[MODNAME].


  • The module sll_m_io_utilities provides functions to handle input and/or reference files in testing.

  • An example how to use a reference file to validate the results can be found in the test test_xml.

  • To test with a set of different parameter values, a python script can be used. For an example, see the test test_ode_integrator.