Naming Convention

General guidelines

  • Prefer long variable names;

  • Do not use the same name for different entities;

  • Lower case: Fortran keywords, variables, procedures, modules, filenames;

  • Upper case: preprocessor macros;

  • Exposed interface must always begin with sll_.

Exposed Fortran interface

When any SeLaLib Fortran entity is public and exposed to other modules, its name must be chosen according to this rule:

  • sll_m_[..] for modules;

  • sll_c_[..] for abstract classes;

  • sll_t_[..] for types;

  • sll_s_[..] for subroutines (not attached to a type);

  • sll_f_[..] for functions (not attached to a type);

  • sll_i_[..] for procedure interfaces (defined in an ‘abstract interface’ block).

No strict rule is enforced for private entities in a module. Nevertheless, we recommend using m_[..], c_[..], t_[..], s_[..], f_[..], and i_[..] where appropriate.

Files and directories

SeLaLib is a collection of smaller libraries, each one defined in a separate (sub)directory. Each library may be composed of multiple Fortran modules, and each of these is defined in a separate source file. In order to reflect this logic, we must:

  • Define one module per file and give both the same name: the module name is sll_m_[MODNAME] and the file name is sll_m_[MODNAME].F90;

  • Define one library per (sub)directory and give both the same name: the directory name is LIBNAME and the library name is sll_[LIBNAME];

  • In each (sub)directory define the ‘interface module’ sll_[LIBNAME] (contained in sll_[LIBNAME].F90) that acts as a unique ‘entry point’ to the library: here we declare all public variables in the library by means of multiple use sll_m_[MODNAME], only :: [..] statements, with a very short inline comment about each exposed name.

We note that each (sub)directory in SeLaLib should contain exactly one ‘CMakeLists.txt’ file, and that this file should contain exactly one ‘ADD_LIBRARY(\(\dots\))’ instruction. The compiled library will have name libsll_[LIBNAME].a (if static) or libsll_[LIBNAME].so (if shared).


SeLaLib simulations are independent of each other, but they naturally depend on many SeLaLib libraries. A simulation usually consists of:

  1. A module containing a new simulation type that is derived from an abstract simulation class (methods exist for initializing from file and running the numerical simulation);

  2. One or more programs that instantiate a simulation object of the new type, initialize it, and run the numerical simulation;

  3. One or more input files.

We define some additional naming conventions that are specific to the simulations:

  • The simulation name must follow the pattern

    • METHOD describes the class of numerical method employed (e.g. pic for particle-in-cell, sl for semi-Lagrangian);

    • DIMC is the number of dimensions in configuration space;

    • DIMV is the number of dimensions in velocity space;

    • EQN is the equation that is solved (e.g. adv for advection, vp for Vlasov-Poisson, vm for Vlasov-Maxwell and );

    • COORDS is the type of coordinates used (e.g. cart for a Cartesian grid, polar for a polar grid, and unstr for an unstructured grid);

    • EXTRA is an additional description that distinguishes this specific simulation from the others;

  • The simulation module must be named sll_m_sim_[SIMNAME], and the file containing it must be named sll_m_sim_[SIMNAME].F90 as usual;

  • The simulation directory must be named

    • src/simulations/sequential/[SIMNAME]/ for sequential simulations;

    • src/simulations/parallel/[SIMNAME]/ for parallel simulations;

  • The executable should have name :

    • Program name is sim_SIMNAME;

    • Program file name is sim_SIMNAME.F90;

    • Executable name is sim_SIMNAME;

    • CTest name (if any) is sim_SIMNAME.

Unit tests

General guidelines

  • Always test against some a-priori solution, set a tolerance if needed;

  • Each function in a module should be tested;

  • If possible, a failing test should indicate the function that originated the error;

  • Input parameters should be varied across the widest possible admissible range;

  • Tests execution time should be as short as possible (seconds, not minutes!);

  • Exactly 1 CTest per module, with name [MODNAME];

  • All files connected to tests should be inside of a library subdirectory called [LIBNAME]/testing/[MODNAME]/

Naming convention

  • Fortran file name is test_[TESTNAME].F90;

  • Fortran program name is test_[TESTNAME];

  • Executable name is test_[TESTNAME];

  • CTest name is [TESTNAME];

NOTE: In the future, only one CTest should exist for each module, and this CTest may call multiple executables (see guidelines in previous section); in such a situation we should have [TESTNAME]=[MODNAME].