


The mesh types aim at storing array data, but including additional information needed to put this data in context. There are several types of meshes:

cartesian mesh

an N-D fully regular mesh defined by an N-D data array and additional parameters that define the domain (i.e.: xmin, xmax) and other parameters like the number of cells in each dimension and the spacing of the data (i.e.: delta). The services provided should be like (with corresponding name changes, indicating the dimensionality of the data):

  • allocation(new) and initialization functions,

  • deletion,

  • a copy constructor,

  • computation of data interpolants (cubic splines for example),

  • get_value(mesh,x1,x2,...): where x1, x2,… belong to the corresponding interval (x1_min, x1_max), (x2_min, x2_max), etc., and which returns the interpolated value at the desired point. This operation launches spline interpolations under the hood.

  • get_node_value(mesh,i,j,...): analogous to get_value() but does not need to launch any interpolation as the indices are integers and the requested value falls on a mesh node. This is implemented by a macro.

  • set_node_value(mesh,i,j,...,val): sets the node datum at i,j,… with value. Implemented with a macro.

There are some pitfalls with the suggested interface:

  • the naming convention could get a little complicated depending on the type of data stored in the array (scalar, multiple-valued, etc.), as we had originally intended with the field/vec naming convention.

  • The interface may need to directly expose its underlying data, or pointers to sections of it for certain operations, like FFT. The whole data field of a mesh could need to be set to a whole data array in one step, during the initialization, such as after a remap operation. At least in these cases, the access to the data might be safer given the nature of the operations.

structured mesh

a structured mesh is a mapped cartesian mesh in which the coordinates are decoupled. An ND mesh data is stored as an ND array. In addition, however, we need N 1D arrays to store the actual coordinates of the node locations in each dimension. As an alternative, we could use N functions \(x_1=f(\eta_1)\), \(x_2=f(\eta_2)\), … , \(x_n=f(\eta_n)\), to represent each transformation. We follow the convention that \(\eta_1\), \(\eta_2\), etc. are values in the \([0,1]\). The offered services ought to be:

  • allocation, initialization, deletion and copy.

  • get_node_value(mesh, i, j, ... ): which reads directly from the data array.

  • set_node_value(mesh, i, j, ... ): which writes directly to the data array.

  • In an analogous way to the get_value() functions described above, we could provide something like get_value(mesh, \(\eta_1\), \(\eta_2\)). This would also trigger an interpolation step using uniform splines generated with the ND data. This would require the user to be thinking in terms of the logical variables \(\eta_i\).

  • Similar functions could be provided such that the user could also request values at points \(x_i\). For this, we could launch non-uniform splines, with the spacing determined by the \(x_i\) arrays and the ND data.

  • This type may also need to grant direct access to the data array for use in operations like FFT and similar.

tensor product mesh

This is a mapped cartesian mesh in which the coordinates are coupled. That is, the mappings have the form: \(x_1=f(\eta_1, \eta_2, ..., \eta_n)\), \(x_2=f(\eta_1,\eta_2, ..., \eta_n)\), … , \(x_n=f(\eta_1,\eta_2, ..., \eta_n)\). The specification of this type of mesh requires an ND data array, N ND arrays that specify the transformations numerically, or N functions of arity N to specify the transformations. The services provided should be:

  • allocation, initialization, deletion and copy.

  • get_node_value(mesh, i, j, ... ): which reads directly from the data array.

  • set_node_value(mesh, i, j, ... ): which writes directly to the data array.

  • get_value(mesh, \(\eta_1\), \(\eta_2\), ... ) which would also trigger uniform spline interpolations, and

  • get_value(mesh, x1, x2, ... ), which would trigger nonuniform spline interpolations.

We may need to include other operations here which would entail inverse mappings (maybe also with splines), or NURBS or something else. Need to fill in the details more here.

Scalar Fields


The physical quantities of interest are normally defined in a physical space. For instance, the electric potential \(\phi(\vec{x})\) is specified by a function on the \(\vec{x}\) variables (\(x,y,z\)). Even in simple problems the borders of the physical domain may have relatively complicated shapes which make the solution of differential equations more difficult. Great flexibility (possibly at the expense of efficiency) can be gained by transferring the data from the physical space to a representation in a logical space in which the underlying grid that we use for the numerical solution is always uniform. In such uniform grid, the borders have a much simpler (straight line) representation that may aid the solution of the equations. This means that it is convenient to permit the alternative representation of the data on variables on a physical space (\(\vec{x}\)) or on a logical space (\(\vec{\eta}\)). For these reasons, the scalar field should be thought of data plus a coordinate transformation.

(place picture of an example coordinate transformation here.)

Consider a scalar field and the services that it should offer to permit us to use it in our logical grid:

  1. The scalar field is a derived type.

  2. The type contains a simple array to store the data, i.e.: the values of the fields on a collection of points. Both, logical mesh values or physical mesh values can be stored in the same array.

  3. The type contains an object that fully specifies the associated coordinate transformation (a mapped mesh). The transformation should provide all the needed services to permit moving the representation of the data from the physical space to the logical space and vice-versa:

    1. something

    2. something else

Quasi-Neutral Equation Solver


Here we present a simplified but hopefully reasonably clear step-by-step derivation of the quasi-neutral equation (the gyrokinetic Poisson equation) which this module solves. The intent is to make clear some of the assumptions that are built into this model. We follow the general argument given by Krommes (cite reference here for “Nonlinear gyrokinetics: a powerful tool for the description of microturbulence in magnetized plasma”).

The model is based on the idea that the fast gyrations of particles around the magnetic field lines can be averaged away while still preserving the most important long-term physics (hence the name of this type of approach: gyrokinetics). The simplest model that we will look into first deals directly in the distribution function of the gyrocenters, instead of the particles’.

We start with the Poisson equation:

\[ -\nabla ^2 \phi = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\rho, \]

where \(\phi\) is the electric potential, \(\rho\) is the volumetric charge density and \(\epsilon_0\) is the permittivity of free space. The main assumptions built into the model are introduced through the treatment of \(\rho\). We decompose the charge density in its two main constituents: the contribution by the ions (\(\rho_i\)) and the electrons’ (\(\rho_e\)). As mentioned earlier, the main idea behind gyrokinetics is the averaging of the fast particle motions around the field lines, hence some of the effects that occur on longer time-scales are explicitly introduced into the model, for example by particle drifts (e.g.: \(\vec{E}\times\vec{B}\), polarization drift, etc.). In doing so, we allow ourselves to further separate the charge density into a polarization charge and a charge at the particles’ gyrocenters (gyrocenters do not polarize). Thus, Poisson’s equation becomes

(1)\[ -\nabla ^2 \phi = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}(\rho^G_i + \rho^{pol}_i - \rho^G_e - \rho^{pol}_e), \]

where the indices \(G\), \(pol\), \(i\) and \(e\) indicate gyrocenters, polarization, ions and electrons respectively. The polarization drift velocity, whose derivation can be found in introductory plasma physics texts is given by

\[ \vec{v}^{pol} = \pm \frac{1}{\omega_{ci}B}\frac{\partial \vec{E}_{\perp}}{\partial t}. \]

Here \(\omega_{ci}\) is the ion cyclotron frequency, \(B\) is the magnitude of the local magnetic field and \(\vec{E}_{\perp}\) is the electric field perpendicular to the magnetic field. The plus/minus sign in the equation applies to positive and negative particles respectively. Heuristically, the polarization charge obeys a continuity equation:

(2)\[ \frac{\partial \rho^{pol} }{\partial t} = - \nabla \cdot \vec{j}^{pol} = - \nabla \cdot (nZe \vec{v}^{pol})=- \nabla \cdot \bigg( n Ze \frac{1}{\omega_{ci}B}\frac{\partial \vec{E}_{\perp}}{\partial t}\bigg) . \]

Here, \(Z\) is the charge state of the ions under consideration (obviously 1 for a hydrogen-burning fusion plasma), \(e\) is the electron charge and \(n\) is the particle density per unit volume. As long as none of the factors of the time derivative depends itself on time, we can integrate immediately and arrive at an expression for \(\rho^{pol}\):

(3)\[ \rho^{pol}(\vec{x}) = \nabla \cdot \bigg( \frac{n_i(\vec{x})Ze}{\omega_{ci}(\vec{x}) B(\vec{x}) }\nabla_{\perp}\phi(\vec{x},t) \bigg). \]

Here we have introduced the assumption of \(n_i\), the ion particle density, being independent of time. In equation (3), we can consider that the differential operators act only in the directions perpendicular to the magnetic field, as these are the only terms that will survive the taking of the divergence. Finally, by multiplying by the proper unit factors and using the relation

\[ \omega_p = \bigg( \frac{ne^2} {\epsilon_0 m} \bigg)^{\frac{1}{2}} \]

we can recast equation (3) into

(4)\[ \rho^{pol}(\vec{x}) = \epsilon_0 \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big( \varepsilon^G(\vec{x})\nabla_{\perp}\phi(\vec{x},t) \big). \]


\[ \varepsilon^G(\vec{x}) \equiv \frac{\omega^2_{pi}(\vec{x})}{\omega^2_{ci}(\vec{x})} \]

is called the dielectric constant of the gyrokinetic vacuum. With equation (4), and neglecting the polarization of the electrons, the modified Poisson equation (1) can be written as:

\[ -\nabla ^2 \phi(\vec{x},t) - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(\varepsilon ^G(\vec{x},t)\nabla_{\perp} \phi(\vec{x},t) \big) = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}(\rho^G_i - \rho^G_e). \]

In fusion applications, \(\varepsilon^G >> 1\) thus we neglect the ordinary laplacian term on the left-hand side.

The charge density of the electrons also receives a special treatment. The basic assumption here is that the electrons can move very quickly along a magnetic field line and thus are able to rapidly react to electric potential variations through changes in the electron particle density. Thus, it is assumed that along a field line, the electrons obey the Boltzmann relation:

(5)\[ n_e(\vec{x},t) = \bar{n}_e(\vec{x},0) \exp \bigg(\frac{e}{k_BT_e}(\phi(\vec{x},t) - <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell})\bigg). \]

In equation (5), \(n_e(\vec{x},t)\) is the instantaneous electron particle density, \(\bar{n}_e(\vec{x})\) is the average electron density along the magnetic field line, \(k_B\) is Boltzmann’s constant, \(T_e\) is the electron temperature and the \(< \cdot >_{\ell}\) average is taken along the magnetic field line. By making yet another assumption of very small deviations from the average electric potential, the previous equation can be linearized:

(6)\[ n_e(\vec{x},t) = \bar{n}_e(\vec{x},0) \bigg(1+\frac{e}{k_BT_e}(\phi(\vec{x},t) - <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell})\bigg). \]

At the risk of being too sloppy, we will equate the electron particle density with the electron gyrocenter density. A more careful step would involve gyroaveraging directly the original electron distribution function. With this assumption, our modified poisson becomes:

\[ - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(\varepsilon ^G(\vec{x},t)\nabla_{\perp} \phi(\vec{x},t) \big) = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\bigg(\rho^G_i - \bar{\rho}_{e0}^G\Big(1+\frac{e}{k_BT_e}(\phi(\vec{x},t) - <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell})\Big)\bigg). \]

Rearranging terms and using the relation:

(7)\[ \lambda_D=\bigg(\frac{\epsilon_0k_BT_e}{ne^2}\bigg)^\frac{1}{2}=\bigg(\frac{\epsilon_0k_BT_e}{\rho e}\bigg)^\frac{1}{2}, \]

we arrive at:

(8)\[ - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(\varepsilon ^G(\vec{x},t)\nabla_{\perp} \phi(\vec{x},t) \big)+\frac{1}{\bar{\lambda}_{D0}} (\phi(\vec{x},t) - <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell})= \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\Big(\rho^G_i - \bar{\rho}_{e0}^G\Big). \]

But for a normalization of the variables, equation (8) is virtually the same as the one stated in the report by Latu (list here reference for “Scalable Quasineutral solver for gyrokinetic simulation”). Equation (8) is not yet ready to solve due to the presence of the \(<\phi(\vec{x},t)>\) term. We need to average the solution we seek, after all. To obtain an additional equation that will help us find this term, we take the average of both sides of the equation in the same sense that we have been averaging before: along a magnetic field line (note that in practice, due to ergodicity, this line may extend and fill a surface or even worse.) The barred quantities have already been averaged so we can get them out of the averaging operator when necessary. Averages of averages remain unchanged and thus we arrive at:

(9)\[ - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(<\varepsilon ^G(\vec{x},t)\nabla_{\perp} \phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell} \big)= \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}(<\rho^G_i>_{\ell} - <\bar{\rho}_{e0}^G>_{\ell}). \]

By making two final assumptions: that the quantities involved in the calculation of \(\varepsilon^G(\vec{x},t)\) are not time-dependent but given by the initial ion distribution, and that this quantity does not vary along the domain of the average procedure (the magnetic field line), we can extract \(\varepsilon^G(\vec{x},t)\) from the average operator, yielding the auxiliary equation that we need to compute \(<\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell}\):

\[ - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(\varepsilon ^G\nabla_{\perp} <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell} \big) = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}(<\rho^G_i>_{\ell} - <\bar{\rho}_{e0}^G>_{\ell}). \]

The average ion charge density can be computed from \(\rho^G_i(\vec{x},t)\) which is input data for the solver. To compute the average of the electron density we need to explicitly invoke the initial quasineutrality condition, i.e.: \(\rho_i = \rho_e\). With this, \(<\bar{\rho}^G_{e0}>_{\ell} = <\bar{\rho}^G_{i0}>_{\ell}\) and we are able to compute all the quantities involved based on the initial ion distribution profile.

Once we calculate \(<\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell}\) with equation (9) we can use this to solve the final version of our quasi neutral equation, after introducing all the assumptions:

(10)\[ - \nabla_{\perp} \cdot \big(\bar{\varepsilon}^G(\vec{x},0)\nabla_{\perp} \phi(\vec{x},t) \big)+\frac{1}{\bar{\lambda}_D} (\phi(\vec{x},t) - <\phi(\vec{x},t)>_{\ell})= \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}(\rho^G_i - \bar{\rho}_{i0}^G). \]

Exposed Interface

Fundamental type: None. It is a function that operates on other top-level types. Function:

sll_solve_quasi_neutral_equation( electron_T_profile_2D,
                                  phi )


Advection Field


Exposed Interface

Fundamental type:


This implies that one of the options is to have multiple representations, for 3D, 2D, 1D.




Exposed Interface

Fundamental type: None. This is a function that operates on multiple top-level types. Function:

sll_advect( distribution_function, 
            scheme )

Above, scheme is the functional parameterization of the various methods in use (PSM, BSL, …) and for which we need a standardized interface. The above assumes that we can devise a standard functional interface.
