Getting Started

Getting Started

To download the developer version you need to use GIT. The latest development version of SeLaLib is tracked in the main branch.

Git is tracking and controlling changes in the software. Git branches allow frictionless context switching. Everything is local so we have multiple backups on all developers’ computers. It’s impossible to get anything out of Git other than the exact bits you put in. There is a staging area, an intermediate index between working directory and repository. Some tools you can install on your desktop:

First time set up

Set up your developer info:

git config --global "Your NAME"
git config --global "you@somewhere"
git config --global core.editor emacs (or other)
git config --global merge.tool opendiff (or other)

Check configuration with:

git config --list

For help:

git help <command-you-want-help-about>

Clone the repository

git clone
cd selalib/
git checkout -b your-branch

To get all new updates of development (the main branch)

git checkout main        (change to main)
git fetch origin         (download changes from repository)
git merge origin/main    (update local branch main)
git checkout your-branch (back to your branch)
git merge main           (update your branch with modifications on develop)

If you have conflict, no problem just do :

git mergetool

It will open a nice editor and help her to choose the right version. Close the editor and commit.

git commit -m 'Update from main and fixed conflicts'

Merge modifications from develop as much as possible

Full documentation for Git is available here.